Student Services

The Chinook’s Edge Student Services team provides a comprehensive range of programs and services to address the diverse learning needs of our student population.

CESD Student Support Lead HUB

Student Support Leads (SSL)

Student Support Leads

Purpose: To promote calm, confident and connected schools



LST Handbook (2023-2024 edition)



Social Emotional Wellbeing (SEW) 15 curriculum

Background information regarding this new locally developed course in Chinook’s Edge:

Schools throughout Chinook’s Edge are enthusiastic about the division’s new locally developed SEW 15 course. This is an Alberta Education approved, mandatory 50 hour three credit course for all Grade 10 students in Chinook’s Edge - the first of its kind in Alberta! This course is the result of the work of Dr. Marcie Perdue, Associate Superintendent of Student Services in Chinook’s Edge, and her creation of a layered approach to protecting and enhancing the mental health of students and staff throughout our division. The Social Emotional Wellbeing priority in Chinook’s Edge began with the Board’s investment of approximately $1.2 million over three years to hire six Social Emotional Specialists to work collaboratively in addressing an escalating prevalence of disruptive student mental health issues that were impacting teachers and classrooms. From there Dr. Perdue researched, created and facilitated a SEW training program for all staff in the division, to ensure that every person working with students became fully versed in the culture of a SEW-supportive classroom. Lastly, Dr. Perdue and the division’s ‘SEW Team’ (involving other professionals from the Student Services team) has developed the unique SEW 15 course. The lesson development was guided by a teacher steering committee, and the next step of the SEW journey in Chinook’s Edge is to develop lessons and assessments to support a SEW curriculum designed for Pre-K to Grade 9 students.

There are 425 students from four Chinook’s Edge high schools involved in the pilot ‘SEW 15’ course in fall 2022: Bowden Grandview, École H.J. Cody (Sylvan Lake), Innisfail High and Hugh Sutherland (Carstairs). The learning is focused in five areas: self awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. 

The SEW 15 course began to take shape in 2020, when a series of factors combined to create a notable depth of mental health challenges that students were dealing with in the classroom. From covid-caused learning disruptions and isolation to a deepening impact of social media and the changing nature of family life, students were arriving at school facing a growing complexity of mental and social emotional hurdles that needed to be addressed before they could achieve success in learning. This was not only causing personal challenges for the student involved, it was alarming and disruptive to entire classrooms. Chinook’s Edge staff were striving to help these students in their time of need, while still moving learning forward for all students. It was becoming an almost impossible task, which was when the Board of Trustees saw the need for an additional focus on Social Emotional Wellbeing. The Board and Central Office Leadership Team supported the series of initiatives because they knew it was in the best interest of over 11,000 students that Chinook’s Edge serves. 

Our locally developed SEW 15 course for Grade 10 students, is now available for schools throughout Alberta to implement for their own students. Empowering young people with the skills to grow as individuals will allow all students to learn together and reach their full potential. SEW 15 will allow our students, staff and schools to thrive, and Chinook’s Edge is pleased to be partners in creating solutions for students, staff and families.

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Horizon School

Horizon School in Olds aims to provide a service for K-12 students who are experiencing exceptional challenges at their traditional Chinook’s Edge school. Registration to Horizon involves a specialized approach, conducted in partnership with your child’s current Chinook’s Edge school. We welcome Chinook’s Edge parents and families to become acquainted with our school through this website, and then contact your current Principal for further information.

Visit the Horizon School Website

Youth Empowerment & Support (YES) program

The Chinook’s Edge YES Team! Check your school website to meet your community’s YES Success Coaches

Impacting Chinook’s Edge students for over a decade

The YES program is part of a provide-wide initiative called Mental Health Capacity Building in Schools. It provides programs and activities to build resiliency skills in children and youth, and to support them to stay in school and succeed. YES Success Coaches work directly with students, creating social and recreational opportunities. This might include targeted group work, coordinating activities and resources with community agencies, or designing programs that encourage positive self-esteem, confidence and coping skills. YES Success Coaches provide classroom based universal mental health curriculum to promote awareness of mental health protective factors and enhance social and emotional development.

The program is provided by Alberta Health Services and Mental Health, in partnership with Alberta Education and numerous community agencies and partners. It is available year-round in Chinook’s Edge schools from Kindergarten through Grade 8. YES activities move around Chinook's Edge communities week by week during the summer months - click here for information!

Raelynn Notley 
Program Manager

Dr. Marcie Perdue
Associate Superintendent, Student Services

Family School Wellness

The Family School Wellness Program is an important part of our healthy Chinook’s Edge school community. Our focus is providing support to children and families facing social, emotional or family difficulties. This may include information and referrals, student and/or family support, targeted small groups to promote student growth, preventative programming, and parenting support.

Our program is a joint partnership between Child and Family Services, municipal Family Community Support Services and Chinook's Edge School Division. To discuss how our Family School Wellness Program (FSW) can support your family, please contact the FSW Worker in your child's school. Our program requires parental / guardian consent, and parent/family involvement is important to us.

The Clinical Team Lead for the FSW program in Chinook’s Edge is Angela Gurski, under the direction of Associate Superintendent of System Services, Karyn Barber

PAT Accommodations

Improving Student Learning - A goal of Provincial Achievement Testing is to obtain valid and reliable information about student achievement. 

Read More Here


Success In Schools


Success In Schools for Children and Youth in Care - Provincial Protocol Framework (PPF)

This is a joint venture between Alberta Education and Children and Youth Services (CYS) to support improved school outcomes and high school completion rates for children and youth in provincial government care.  It provides opportunities for collaboration with the child/youth, their caregivers and other learning team members to share information and engage in joint decision-making to plan for and support school success for children and youth in care.

More information can be found on the Alberta Education Website at:

Our goal at CESD for Success in School, is to have all of our students in care meeting with their learning team and creating a Success in School plan.  The Learning Support Teacher focusing on Inclusive Education is responsible for organizing and facilitating these meetings. These meetings should occur within about 8 weeks of the student registering. Is the caseworker's responsibility to contact the school prior to registering a new student in care.  The purpose of these meetings is to share information and create goals with the student and his/her team for the year to support his/her progress. The student is an essential and important part of the team.

Handouts for Participants before the SIS Meeting

Prior to the date of the Success in School Plan initial meeting, please ensure that you have had conversation with each team member and that he/she receives his/her corresponding handout.

SIS Learning Support Team Handout

SIS Student Handout

SIS Caseworker Handout

SIS Caregiver Handout

SIS Group Care Handout

SIS Teacher Handout

Success in School Meeting Paperwork

The paperwork that you will need to complete with the team during these meetings is located below. The paperwork you use will depend on whether or not the student has an Individual Program Plan (IPP).

1. Students, who DO NOT require an IPP, require the documents below:

Contact and Responsibility Agreement, Part 1

Success in School Plan, Part 2

Success in School Action Plan, Part 3


2. Students who DO require an IPP, require the following document:

Contact and Responsibility Agreement, Part 1

IPP & SIS Part 2

More ideas to obtain student perspectives about school can be found on the two following resources:

Inclusive Education Library -

Building on Success: Helping Students Make Transitions from Year to Year (2006)

Alberta Education has also provided a variety of Tip Sheets

Child Intervention 101

Education 101

Engaging With People in Care

Tips for Caregivers

Tips for Caseworkers

Tips for Educators

Tips for Group Care Staff

Tips for School Leadership Team

Tips for Self-Advocacy

Tips for Working Together

If you have any questions about Success in School, please contact your zone's Student Service Coordinator.

Violence Threat Risk Assessment

About Student Services at CESD

The Chinook’s Edge Student Services team provides a comprehensive range of programs and services to address the diverse learning needs of our student population. We believe all students should be educated in the most supportive environment. We value the importance of parent involvement and recognize that parent support is essential to student success.

Chinook’s Edge School Division supports students with special education needs within a Learning Support Team approach. This team consults and shares information relevant to the individual student’s education, and plans special education programming and services as required. The team may consist of the special education teacher, classroom teacher, parents, student (where appropriate), and other school and jurisdiction staff who are aware of the student’s needs.

A multidisciplinary approach is emphasized by Student Services when developing and implementing alternative or special programs for students. In addition to support services provided directly by student services staff we have also established both formal and informal links with external service providers to better meet the needs of our students.

In order for some students to be successful in school and to realize their full potential as individuals, it is necessary for them to have special programs that suit their unique abilities. Participation of exceptional students in regular school settings is based on the philosophy of equality, sharing, participation, and the worth and dignity of individuals.

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Call 403-227-7088

Student Services

The Chinook’s Edge Student Services team provides a comprehensive range of programs and services to address the diverse learning needs of our student population.

Dr. Marcie Perdue

Associate Superintendent

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Melissa McEwen

Division Principal of Student Services

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Mary Wilson

Administrative Assistant

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Greg Ferris

Student Services Coordinator - South Zone

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Jacqui Renwick

Coordinator - Central Zone

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Tannis Wright

Student Services Coordinator - North Zone

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Adrien Lavoie

Division Psychologist

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Nicole O'Geil

Division Psychologist

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Elisa Jackson

Early Learning Coordinator

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Raelynn Notley

YES! Program Coordinator

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Michelle Baragar

LST Learning Site and Assistive Technology

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Amber Stonebridge

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Rehabilitation Support Team

Colleen Braithwaite

Occupational Therapist - Central Zone

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Nicole Czainski

Speech-Language Pathologist-North Zone

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Blair Doolaege

Speech-Language Pathologist-South Zone

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Cassandra McNutt

Occupational Therapist - North Zone

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Shaina Norman

Speech-Language Pathologist-Central Zone

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Carleen Reade

Occupational Therapist - South Zone

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