Professional Learning Days

Professional Learning Days (or Collaborative Days) are Chinook’s Edge Board supported non-student days designed to provide time for our staff to grow their professional practice.  This work specifically aligns to school and division goals and is informed and supported by educational research.  Teachers will be working in collaborative grade teams within their school and across communities throughout Chinook’s Edge. Read more through this link

K-3 teachers are:

  • Focusing on implementing a new math, and English language arts and literature curriculum.
  • Using mathematics and reading assessment data to support planning and instruction.
  • Meeting in school collaborative response teams using student attendance, social emotional wellness, numeracy, and literacy data to plan for individual student support.

4-8 teachers are:

  • Prototyping a new writing assessment tool.  This tool will support our teachers in gaining a deeper understanding of student writing strength and areas that need improvement. 
  • Using mathematics and reading assessment data to support planning and instruction.
  • Meeting in school collaborative response teams using student attendance, social emotional wellness, numeracy, and literacy data to plan for student support. 

9-12 teachers are:

  • Working in collaborative teams creating common Google Classrooms in all 9-12 core classes.  This collaborative planning time allows teachers to align their instruction and assessment to best practice and collectively support teachers across the division. 
  • Using mathematics, and reading assessment data to support planning and instruction.
  • Meeting in school collaborative response teams using student attendance, social emotional wellness, numeracy, and literacy data to plan for student support. 

On staff professional learning days, all subject area specialists - from fine arts to physics - come together to plan, collaborate, consult, advance ideas and share best practices in teaching and assessment to continually improve student learning in Chinook’s Edge. Chinook’s Edge records show that providing scheduled days for staff collaboration results in a decrease of hundreds of substitute teacher days - a cost-savings which is reinvested back into classrooms. It is a winning strategy in Chinook’s Edge. Our staff are investing their time during collaborative days to enhance quality learning environments for over 11,000 students in our division. Your child will be away for one day, but their teacher will be better able to support them for the next 30 days.


There are five Professional Learning Days in Chinook's Edge this year: 

October 21, November 25, February 10, March 10, May 5